Friday, 27 May 2011

Everware-CBDI plays key role in developing ACT-IAC white paper on Enterprise Architecture and Cloud Computing

Under the auspices of ACT-IAC’s Enterprise Architecture SIG, my colleague Dave Mayo, the President of Everware-CBDI, has led a team in the development of a white paper explaining the role of EA in Cloud Computing.  The paper explores architectural issues, management issues and tools for decision making regarding cloud deployments.  The fundamental finding is that the prerequisite to success with cloud computing is the establishment of a Service Oriented Architecture that identifies the services deployed to the cloud and how they may be accessed.

Click to access the White Paper on the ACT-IAC website. (Word)
or view as HTML on the Semantic Community

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Windows Azure - Making Migration to the Cloud Seamless?

This week I attended a Microsoft UK Tech Days (a sort of local version of TechEd) on building and deploying applications onto the Windows Azure cloud platform.  In typical TechEd style, once a few positioning slides had been quickly dispensed with it was down to business with a deep dive into the code and admin tools.  Though my day job isn't as a professional developer, as a consultant and architect I like to know enough about how these things really work.

I came away impressed with just how seamless they are making the migration of applications to the cloud.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

CBDI-SAE UML Profile for SOA V3 Now Available

Thanks to the hard work of my colleague John Butler, the latest version of our CBDI-SAE UML profile for SOA is now freely available for download.  This impliments V3 of our CBDI-SAE Meta Model for SOA.

This enables the full lifecycle of SOA to be modeled in UML, enabling SOA artifacts to be associated with both business models at the begining of the lifecycle, through to deployment at the end.

John has also authored a useful introduction to using the SAE profile and walks through the process of modeling a service specification architecture. This is also available for download.

Download now at