Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Connected Architecture for the Creative Economy

Steve Denning’s insightful blog post ‘Leadership In The Three-Speed Economy’ has me pondering on the correlation with IT. Does ‘IT in the Three-Speed Economy’ follow a similar pattern?

I am not sure it is cut and dried. My experience suggests that IT can be like the example of GE that Steve provides, where all three economies can exist in the same organization and where pockets of creative IT thinking exist within the morass of traditionalism.  That said, IT in most Traditional Economy organizations will probably follow the pattern in the table below.

Monday, 20 May 2013

The Solution and Service Architecture Relationship

Whilst we might have a particular specialization at Everware-CBDI in all things SOA, most of the system integration/delivery projects we are engaged on are still solution focused. The delivery of services, organized into a service architecture may be central to the solutions we deliver, and the reason for our engagement, but the end result is still a solution in the conventional IT sense.

Following the recent delivery of a solution architecture class, I produced a new eLearning module for our Service Architecture Practitioner Syllabus, and part of that module is explored in this post, where I examine the relationship between the solution and service architecture.